Indian Air Force usually announces vacancies for airmen for X and Y group in June
and December (Twice in a year). The process of selection is followed by three Phases
and at the end the final merit list of selected candidates is issued. A brief sketch
of the whole procedure is following………
Educational Qualification:
Group ‘X’ (Except Educational Instructor Trade).
Passed Intermediate/10+2/Equivalent examination with Mathematics, Physics and English
with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.
Passed in three years Diploma Course in Engineering in any stream. The candidate
should have completed the course from a Governmental recognized Polytechnic institute
with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in diploma(If he posses English
Group ‘Y’ (Except Automobile Technician, GTI, IAF(P), IAF(S) and Musician Trades).
Passed Intermediate/10+2/Equivalent examination in any stream/subjects approved
by Central/State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks
in English.
Group ‘Y’ Medical Assistant Trade Only. Passed Intermediate/10+2/Equivalent examination
Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate
and 50% marks in English.
Note:- Candidate eligible for Group X examination (on the basis of intermediate/10+2)
are also eligible for Group Y and would be given an option of appearing in both
group X and Group Y exam in one sitting while filling up the online registration
Documents required to be uploaded while filling online form:
10+2 mark sheet.
Age Limit
17 to 21
152.5 cm
minimum expansion should be 5cm.
Passport size recent colour photograph of size 10KB to 50KB front portrait with
light background (without head gear except for Sikhs). The photograph is to be taken
with candidate holding a black slate in front of his chest with his Name and Date
of Photograph taken clearly on it with white chalk in capital letters.
Candidate’s left hand thumb impression image (size 10KB to 50KB)
Candidate’s signature image (size 10KB to 50KB).
Candidate’s Parents’ signature image (if candidate is below 18 years on the date
of filling the online application).
Candidate must have his valid E-mail ID and Mobile No.
Note:- Candidates are to reach at the examination Centre with colour print out of
provisional admit card.
Online Test: Eligible candidates will be sent Provisional Admit Cards for Phase-I
of testing on their respective e-mail IDs.
Group ‘X’ Trades:Duration of the online test shall be 60 minutes {70 Questions (English-20,
Physics-25 & Maths-25)} and shall comprise of English, Physics and Mathematics as
per 10+2 CBSE syllabus.
Group ‘Y’ Trades:Duration of the online test shall be 45 minutes {50 Questions(
English-20 & RAGA-30)} and shall comprise of English as per 10+2 CBSE Syllabus and
Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).
Both Group ‘X&Y’ Trade:Duration of the online test shall be 85 minutes {100 Questions
(English-20, Physics-25,Maths-25 & RAGA-30) and shall comprise of English, Physics
& Mathematics as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).
Note: Marking Pattern and Online Test:- (i) One mark for every correct answer. (ii)
Nil (0) marks for every unattempted question. (iii) 0.25 marks shall be deducted
for each wrong answer.
Phase-II Soon after the declaration of the result of Phase-I test, all candidates
shortlisted for Phase-II will be sent a new admit card on their registered e-mail
ID for Phase-II. Candidate have to report at the stipulated date and time for Phase-II
at the designated Airmen Selection Centre along with following documents:-
Colour printout of Admit Card for Phase-II
Colour Printout of duly filled application form downloaded on completion of online
HB pencil, Eraser, Sharpener, Glue sick, Stapler and Black/Blue Ball Point Pen for
Eight copies of un-attested recent(which were used for the online application registration)
passport size colour photograph.
Original and four self attested photocopies of Intermediate/10+2/Equivalent Examination
Passing Certificate and Marks Sheet.
Certificate of SOAF (Son of Air Force Personnel)-If applicable.
Physical Fitness Test (PFT) – Names of the shortlisted candidates who qualify the
Online Test shall be called at designated Airmen Selection Centre for Physical Fitness
Test which would consist of –
6 Km run to be completed within 6 minutes 30 seconds.
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
20 Squat-ups
Note:- Candidates are advised to bring their sports shoes and shorts/Track pants.
Adaptability Test-I – All candidates who pass the Physical Fitness Test shall have
to undertake Adaptability Test-I. This will be an MCQ Test of Psychology based on
SRT (Situation Reaction Test)
Adaptability Test-II – All candidates who pass Adaptability Test-I shall have to
undertake Adaptability Test-II. There will be a Group Discussion or Debate